Putting "Race" Back in Critical Race Theory: Rasserting Derrick Bell's Racial Realism Thesis (Presentation give to the Southeast Philosophy of Education Society, 2024)
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) State Policy & STEM Education: Examining Equity & Investigating Implementation (Presentation given at the 6th Annual STEM Education Conference (2023)
Black Existentialism (Presentation given at the Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative, 2022)
The Hermenteutics of Hip Hop: A Philosophical Hermeneutic Examination of David Banner's Music Production Process (Presentation given at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, 2022)
A Phenomenology of Blackness and a Praxis of Resistance:
The Nation of Islam's Conscientizacao (Presentation given at the Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative, 2021)
The Nation of Islam's Conscientizacao (Presentation given at the Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative, 2021)
Interview discussing little known aspects of Dr. Martin Luther King
Interview discussing my study "Weaponizing Religion: A Document Analysis of the Religious Indoctrination of Slaves"
Interview discussing Police Brutality and the Black Community
Interview discussing Black on Black Crime
Interview discussing voting and the Black community in the 2020 election
Interview discussing Carter G. Woodson and the development of Black History Month.
Interview discussing systemic racism